BPI Direct
BPI Direct
BPI Direct

QR codes are a powerful tool in marketing, acting as a link between the physical world and the Web.
People see a QR code, scan it, and are instantly engaged in your message.

What is a QR code?

A QR code is a 2-D barcode that can be scanned by a smart phone to transfer information. QR codes can direct the viewer to a website, make a phone call, send a vCard, and much more.

How can I utilize QR codes in my business?

  1. QR Codes on business cards & other printed collateral. Rather than overload a business card with all of your contact info you can include the bare minimum for reaching you, then create a QR code that leads people to your Facebook or LinkedIn, profiles.
  2. Promotions, discounts and giveaways. You can create discounts that are specific to the QR codes. You can run these codes in advertisements or post them throughout your location.
  3. Clothing. Put your QR code on your wearables for an additional source of a promotion. Make an even bigger impression by printing up 100’s of t-shirts and put them on employees and have them attend a public event like a baseball game.
  4. Get creative with your QR Code design. You can play around with the QR code once it's been generated in an image editing tool like Photoshop and work in your own logo or brand. Always be sure to test your QR code!
  5. Use QR codes to get Likes and Follows. You can create mobile-friendly landing pages with Facebook “like” buttons or lead them to your Twitter page for a quick follow.

Supplement your retail space. Consumers can scan the QR code & link to...

      QR codes can open the window to endless opportunities

  1. How-to videos
  2. Detailed Product information
  3. Product reviews
  4. Purchase out of stock items

Increase e-commerce sales. Since QR codes can lead to URLs, you can create a code that will populate a shopping cart with specific products.

Build your email subscriber list. Use your QR code to send people to your email signup.

Get the phone ringing. QR codes can also make a phone call. If you want to get the phones ringing at your business you can create a code that will dial a predetermined number. Likewise, QR codes can generate SMS text messages.

Contact us today to find out how your organization can benefit from adding a QR code to your marketing collateral.
     Phone: 303-238-7969, x. 103


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